This page is designed to provide help in purchasing products from our website. Currently the focus will be directed at help in purchasing Team and Individual for our sports shoots. Hope this helps!
February 22, 2020 11:27 AM
Help how to add another person to an image Find the ImageGo to the gallery and find the first image you like.Click on it. Pick a ProductPick a product you want. We can modify any picture included CollageClick one of the tabs Pick a specific sizePick the size imageMore than one size can be picked, just repeat these and the following steps Add it to your cart Tell us which image to add!There is not automatic way of adding the second picture. It must be done in a note. Follow this steps to add in.....
October 6, 2018 1:46 PM
Are you member of a booster organization or a coach at one of the Sparkman family of schools? Do you have a need for banners or posters for your team? Good news, Shuttleman Photography can help you. We offer a number of printed items including banners and posters. Many of you have already had banners printed. Did you know we can print banners for your sponsors? We believe our pricing is very competitive especially if you already have the graphics. Do you ......
September 16, 2018 5:12 PM
Here are some instructions on how to use Download Credits you have purchased. It will also provide some quick instruction how to purchase a download credit if you run out. Screens will look differently if you use a mobile device but the actions are the same. PLEASE NOTE: Download credits are only good for action pictures. Download credits can not be used for team/individual portrait shoots. ......
August 28, 2018 7:21 AM
The following provides some additional information about pictures orders through Shuttleman Photography.OrderingPlease order before the due date in order to maximize your savings. Orders are placed with our printer in a single batch and will be delivered to the school. This allows us to offer prints at a lower rate due to the bulk ordering, as well as save money on shipping and delivery charges. Orders placed after the due date are subject to higher pricing and shipping.Returning customers, plea ......
August 13, 2018 6:58 AM
Once you have selected a package to order you can now order additional prints at a lower price! The following pictures walk you through the process. The exact screen will vary depending on how you are viewing the webpage (cell phone vs computer vs tablet). REMEMBER: This only applies if you have already added a package to or order. ......

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